Seed Bead Saturday with Special guest, Leslie pope!

Put March 15th on your calendars for an extra special Seed Bead Saturday! I am joined by Leslie Pope, owner of Twisted Sistah Beads, for a fun introduction to her latest kit, the Mix it Up Bracelets!

All of Leslie’s Kits come with comprehensive step-by-step instructions. You can find them here:
Mix it Up, Picasso Mix Bracelet
Mix it Up, Lagoon Mix Bracelet
Mix it Up, Violet Rainbow Mix

Also featured! We will share a favorite Kit from Leslie’s shop, the Dots & Dashes Wrap Bracelets!
Dots & Dashes, Bonfire
Dots & Dashes, Concorde Grape
Dots & Dashes, Evening Sky


Berry Beads Fringe!


Spring Pastels Jewelry Set!